Monday, July 25, 2011
Snoqualmie Pass for the Weekend
Nate checking in. I'm throwing this post up in a hurry because the runs detailed below won't be in for much longer. Get em' while they're hot.
With a week long business trip to Turlock, CA looming in my future, I began to lay plans for the following weekend. After spending several days in the 100 degree heat of central California, I figured that that best way to relax would be a leisurely camping and paddling trip. Having spent the last few weeks paddling the stuff around Portland, I decided that it was time to branch out a little bit and quickly convinced Anna Herring to join me on a foray deep into Washington. We initially had our eye on the Ohanepacosh, but after watching the gauge for a few days, we quickly realized that the ohane (my favorite run) was still going to be too high by the time the weekend rolled around. After examining a few other options, we settled on S.F. Snoqualmie River, east of Seattle. The South Fork, often referred to as Fall in the Wall had been described to me as a miles worth of class 4 ledges ranging from 5 - 10 feet. . I'd also heard about the 20 foot falls (fall in the wall) at the put-in with a rep. for pounding paddlers into a cave/undercut combo.
By the time we were saddled up and ready to embark on our mission north, we had picked up Chris Harman and my girl friend Claire (who was down for a weekend in the woods even though she doesn't kayak. Thanks for the shuttles by the way!)
We all met up at 9am on Saturday morning, loaded up my Outback and were on the road by 9:15. With a few stops along the way, we arrived at the Put-In around 2 Oclock. Upon arrival it is immediately evident how unique this creek really is. Not only is this section abnormally high in the drainage (the section is less than a mile from the pass where water starts to drop east instead of west) but it is also located between the lanes of I-90. Despite this fact, the run feels completely secluded and you really feel like you're paddling through a tunnel of old growth the entire trip.
After scouting Fall in the Wall and descideing to save it for another time, we rounded the bend on the way to the lower put-in (below the 20 footer) and ran into two other kayakers (Boris and Kent?). They immediately offered to show us down the run and we didn't hesitate to accept there generous offer. 10 minutes later we were geared up and floating above the first series of drops known as 'the fearsome foursome'. I believe we ran right, right, right to left, and right again respectively through this series of 5-10 foot ledges. Nothing difficult, just good clean fun. The rest of the run was littered with tight chutes and steep falls. Everything was separated by beautiful emerald pools which made this run a great class IV experience. We had about 300 cfs on the SF gauge.
After finishing up the 1 mile long section with a left line down the rapid known as root wad (the root wad is no longer present) we hiked our boats back up along the road to the put-in for round 2.
As were preparing to put-on for our second lap of the day, I decided to take another look at Fall in the Wall. After warming up on the first lap, I felt confident I could hit the fine line on the 20 footer and avoid being stuffed into the cave on river right. The photos I've thrown up don't quite paint an accurate picture of how consequential fall in the wall really is. What's not shown is the vertical wall the sits directly in front of the base of the falls (about 7 feet from the edge of the veil) perpendicular to the current. Basically all the water pushes into this wall and then splits (about 70% pushing right into the cave and 30% kicking out to the left and downstream.) In addition to the wall, there wasn't much of boil at the bottom, so boofing the drop was a scary proposition with the inevitable hit at the bottom. After talking with a few more of the locals (who had seen the drop run before), I opted to give er'. The plan was to eddy out at the lip of the drop to kill my speed (for fear of launching too far and flying into the wall). From there I was going to slowly roll of the flake at the lip taking half of a right stoke just enough to push my bow a little to the left and keep my boat around a 45 degree angle when entering the water.
Having safety set and my line defined in my head, I jumped in my boat, hit the eddy, and dropped over the lip. Things went according to plan and I kept 'er up right at the bottom while avoiding the nasty wall. I subbed out pretty deep on the landing, which made of a really soft touch down. Thanks go out to Chris and Anna (also the other paddlers we met) for setting great safety and helping me get my boat up the canyon wall and around the portage after the falls.
Feeling stoked already, we bombed down the second lap stopping only to shoot photos here and there. It was really an excellent day on the river. By the time we were setting up camp (a few miles down the road) all memories of the long drive had faded away and we were stoked for day 2 of our trip.
We had initially planned to venture over to the skykomish on Sunday morning. However, the locals we had met at the South Fork advised us to keep heading east and tackle the Cooper River near Cle Elum, WA. I quote " We run the Skykomish all year when nothing else is running; the Cooper is what we look forward to running all year" With this description, how could we say no.
After a waking up and breaking down camp, we were on the road headed east towards Cle Elum round 10 AM. After a few wrong turns, we finally ran into some other kayakers who go us on the right track. We arrived at the Put-In to find a pretty large conglomeration of boaters gearing up and starting the hike into the Cooper river gorge. After chatting with a few folks about the various rapids and hazards on the run, we were again invited to tag along with an experienced group of paddlers. Oh how I love the boating community. JD and Scott, especially, thanks for all the beta.
note: Make sure to follow the trail all the way to the river. Don't be tempted to put in where you first see the creek. A 50 foot un-runnable falls lurks just around the corner. Put-in below the falls!
Sadly, we didn't get a chance to snap any photos on the Cooper River, but rest assured, the run is spectacular. A secluded canyon with quality class IV ledge drops that come one after another. Great boofs everywhere! Highlights included Sharks tooth (the lone boulder garden on the Cooper) which had a boat horizontally pinned about half way down and S-turn (a chaotic rapid in which everyone had to throw a brace). We'd been warned abut Norm's Resort, but with the beta and guidance we had from the group, it was really an easy drop, just charge right (similar to bowey hotel on the the LW). According to the guide book, we were at running at fairly high flow (around 1200cfs), but talking with the local guys revealed that the level we had was about medium or even on the lower end for normal runs down the stretch. I strongly recommend everyone to give this one a shot. A true classic! Worth the drive. Do multiple laps!
After a little cliff jumping at the take-out and some lunch in the sun, we reluctantly loaded up the car and began our voyage back to Oregon. The drive went by fairly quickly and we were back home and de-rigged before night fall. Great mission guys, thanks for coming along.
Until next time.
Nate, signing off.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Middle Fork
Most of the crew assembled in Portland ready for the long drive to The Middle Fork.
The Middle Fork of the Salmon river in Idaho is considered by many to be one of the premier wilderness rafting trips in the lower 48. Cutting a path strait through the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, the MFS flows for 100 miles from the heart of the Saw Tooth Mountains to the confluence with the Main Salmon near Salmon, ID. This would be the setting for our annual multi-day rafting trip. In addition to the Into the Outside Crew, for this mission we had an eclectic mix of paddlers, rafters, friends, and family. List of paddlers participants at the end of this report. Although the river isn't known so much for intense white water, it still demands respect from boaters of all skill levels and this fact was only amplified by the sky high river level we were facing leading up to our launch date. Given the record snow pack in the area and below average temps this spring, the water level on the middle fork was still well above 6 feet by the time we arrived at the Put-In and would reach levels up to 6.8 feet while we were on the river. The fact that 5 feet is considered the cut-off for recommended flows on the mfs convinced one of our party to fly in to Indian Creek and skip out of the continuous and difficult, upper 25 miles. Day 1: Boundary Creek Boat Launch to Big Bend Camp After a long morning of rigging and a nice meeting with Maggie the ranger, we put-on the river around 1oclock on June 26th. The night before we had discovered that Matt's frame for his 14ft gear raft was missing some key components. With the aid, of some near by branches, pvc piping, and some ingenuity, we had his rig up and going with time to spare.
We had scouted the boat eating hole at river mile 0.9 known as Murph's the night before. However, that didn't prevent some apprehension leading up to this drop. A lot of trips run into trouble right off the bat at high water at Murph's. The problem is that with the river moving at 8-9 miles per hour, gear rafts have only a few minutes to shake the rust off and get used to their heavy boats. We made it through with only one raft surf and a couple hoots and hollers.
However, our luck did not last. 3 miles later at the bottom of Hell's Half Mile rapid, the high water caught up with us and one of our gear rafts went upside down. As the boat floated down stream towards Velvet Falls (the biggest hole on the river) we had to scramble to arrest the upturned raft before it washed through this class IV drop. Not an easy task with no eddies to speak of. Alas, the upturned boat (with the captain on top) ran through Velvet followed by everyone else with suprising success. Another mile down stream and we were finally able to get the boat clipped with a line and tugged to shore. Props to all those who kept a cool head and were able remedy the situation. Sledge and the Omni Wolf came up big for us on this particular day. Still, the MFS wasn't quite done with us for the day. Upon inspection of the now righted raft, we were dismayed to find that somewhere along the line, a rock had torn a nice gash in the floor. With 10 miles till our intended camp, we opted to take an emergency camp at Big Bend (mile 6). All in all, a lot of adventure for one six mile section of river. The camp turned out to be a pleasant experience. Claire and I cooked up Pizza Frita's and Pasta, we passed a bottle of Johnny, and we all enjoyed the high alpine forest environment.
Day 2: Big Bend to Pungo Creek Camp The next day we got an early start with the intention of meeting our 15th member at Indian (mile 25) Creek around noon. The morning started off with the Chutes, followed by Power House rapid (class IV). I think everyone was pretty tense through this section. With no eddies separating long, pushy rapids, a flip anywhere along here would make for a long swim. Everyone pulled through and we all agreed that the big water waves of the Chutes were some of the best we'd ever seen. An hour later we were dropping into Pistol Creek Rapid (scouting was pretty impossible everywhere on this river). I think Pistol Creek was the hardest drop on the river for the kayak contigent. I personally got worked in two boils cracking of several rolls before finally flushing down stream and another boater joined the swim team. After recovering his boat and eddying out at Indian Creek, we were happy to see a plane come motoring across the landing strip with our last com padre in tow. Another 2 miles of class II and we had arrived at our intended camp. Pungo Creek was something special. Ponderosa's lined the perimeter of our river kitchen and a short hike led to an old abandon mine. Fish taco's, sangria, and hula hoops punctuated night II.
Day 3: Pungo Creek to Shelf Camp Day 3 was fairly uneventful from a white water perspective. We got a lazy start but were still able to cover 18 miles down to our hot springs camp by lunch time. (Each trip is allowed to spend one night a hot springs). It was a bit of a hike from Shelf camp up to Loon Creek hot springs, but everyone was game for a beautiful walk. After scarfing down Fajitas, Pineapple Upside down cake, and dinner mints, the crew descended upon the springs for some late night soaking. Upon arrival at the pool, we all got in a starring contest with a bear across the creek. He hung around for a little while before climbing a tree as darkness descended upon the scene. The stars were out and in all their glory and good times were had by all.
Day 4: Shelf to Camas Creek We awoke on the morning of day 4 all feeling a little worked. After a long night of soaking and hanging around the camp fire, people were pretty slow to get up in the morning. Jacob and I took advantage of the slow start and shouldered our boat up Loon Creek to the hot springs. We had heard word of a class V gorge above the springs, but given the extremely high water in Loon, we opted to put-in below the really tough stuff. Instead, we were treated to some fast moving class IV waves and the occasional hole dodge. Really fun stuff. Jacob was feeling motivated and ended up running a side trib to Loon Creek on river right just down stream from the hot springs. The drop leading into Loon was manky and chaotic to say the least, but it actually went pretty well.
Loon Creek Trib
After our side mission, we quickly hiked back upstream to camp and helped everyone finish up with their boat rigging. Only having ten miles before Camas camp, our day on the MFS went by pretty fast. Again, we were at camp before lunch and sipping Bloody Mary's by happy hour. Camas creek was another trib we had been told to hike in search of more class V goodness. Upon our scout, it became immedately apparent that the gorge section of Camas was far too high to run. Serious class VI rapids that were made even more scary by the fact that lines did exist. We made a plan to hike back up the creek the following morening and run the last drop of the gorge and paddle the class IV boogie water back down to the MFS. The rest of the evening turned out to be a blast with sunset hikes and Hobo dinners for all. Day 5: Camas Creek to Little Pine. Again, we were facing a mere 10 mile day on the Middle Fork so things were moving pretty slow in the morning. After a breakfast of pancakes and melon, the whole group headed up Camas creek to watch the kayakers navigate the lower gorge. Not having the proper boat for such a rapid, I opted to put-in directly below the class V drop at the bottom of the gorge proper. Chris 'the omni wolf' Harman joined me while Steve, Jacob, and Matt styled the pushy rapid. Steve had to throw a last minute boof over a nasty hole but pulled the alteration to his line off with style and we all boogied down through the super fun run out. My ride seemed especially fun as I was dodging holes and attempting to keep the slicey stern of my boat from squirting all the way down the river. Back on the MFS, we quickly arrived at Flying B ranch, filled up our water jugs, and all marveled at the concept of a $30 12-pack. Back on the water, we were greeted by the beginning of the lower 'tough' section of the middle fork. Haystack rapid saw one person eject from a gear raft and Jack Creek canyon took everyone by surprise. Apparently our camp took one of our boat captains by surprise as well. As he nearly floated by the last chance eddie, we had to throw bag his loaded raft over to the side of the river before he got swept into the next drop. (Even in lower section with a lower gradient, eddies were still in short supply and rather hard to catch with over loaded rafts.) That evening, Matt and Caitlin treated everyone to Chili Colorado and roasted Bell Peppers before we all drifted off to sleep.
Back at camp, we sang songs around the fire and ate another excellent meal (Chile relianos) cooked up by Anna and Robbie while we tried to kill off the last of our beer and liquor supply. Some folks ended up crashing out early as the exhaustion of the past 6 days finally caught up. Some folks stayed up late and performed a spirited rendition of the Star Spangled Banner (one lick everyone new the words to) as the stars came out over impassable canyon.
Day 7: Ship Island to Cache Bar Boat Ramp (takeout) Our last day on the river started early. After a quick breakfast of leftovers, we were on the water by 8:15 AM. We had about 19 miles to cover before we were supposed to meet our shuttle driver at noon. This particular stretch was supposed to encompass the biggest rapids of the trip and had been described to me by a friend as 'pretty rowdy'. Given the events of day 1, we left ourselves lots of time to make our way down to the confluence with the main salmon. As we pulled out from Ship Island, everyone was in good spirits and as we floated down towards the big stuff, the excitement of the group was definitely palpable. All I can really say about the last ten miles of the trip is that it came on fast and didn't rellent. After lower cliff side rapid, everything really began to blend together. I remember dropping into Rubber rapid and thinking that the waves I was about to crash were bigger than anything I had ever seen before, which includes everything in the grand canyon. After that, it was a full on race to the finish. No eddies (for rafts) and very few places to even slow down. The kayakers all adopted a routine of running a rapid, eddying out just long enough for the first two rafts to enter the drop, then two kaykers would peel out and try to get back out in front to set 'safety' below the next drop. At one point I yelled to Matt (who had a guide book) "is this devil's tooth?" to which he replied. "I have no idea anymore, I have not gotten a chance to change the page on my book for almost 3 miles!" Seriously fun stuff. I did roll over on some drop in the middle but was back upright immediately. It's definitely worth commending all the raft captains for a job well done navigating the lower ten miles of the MFS. Everyone was solid when they had to be and we ended up busting out the 19 mile stretch of river in under 2 hours! When we finally hit the confluence with the main, I looked back upstream from where I had come and marveled at the intimidating view of impassable canyon. Just as my feelings or sorrow and longing to remain in the wilderness couldn't have been any stronger, a jet boat flew by and amplified my reluctance to re-enter 'the real world'. A quick mile down the main salmon found us at the takeout where we quickly de-rigged and rolled all the rafts. By the time the shuttle driver did show up, around 11:30, we were all ready to go. (we had booked a 15 passenger van and utl. trailer to pick us up and drive us back to our cars at boundary creek). The loading process went fast! The drive to boundary creek did not. After 5 hours in the cramped van, I think we were all pretty happy to see our cars at boundary creek (even if it signified another 9 hours of driving and more shuffling of gear).
Until Next Time.
The Trip video
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Chase
A quick teaser of Matt's new stomping grounds. We found this rapid after being skunked by high water (in July!). There will be a more thorough report coming in the next couple of months.
*There is profanity at the end.
The Chase from Jacob Cruser on Vimeo.
We had been scouting a promising stream, but it was higher than we wanted to run it. Minimal eddies with the presence of wood was our big concern. This lead to us "Cherry Picking" this drop, resulting in the name of the rapid.
*There is profanity at the end.
The Chase from Jacob Cruser on Vimeo.
We had been scouting a promising stream, but it was higher than we wanted to run it. Minimal eddies with the presence of wood was our big concern. This lead to us "Cherry Picking" this drop, resulting in the name of the rapid.
cherry picker,
into the outside,
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